<h4>“If you persevere long enough, if you do the right things long enough, the right things will happen.” ~ Manon Rheaume (the first woman to play in an American men’s pro sports league)</h4>


Due to the fact that the gyms had to close because of Corona, we came to the taste of bodyweight exercises. Compared to classical strength training with isolated exercises, the emphasis is on intermuscular coordination. Thus, in exercises such as the "planche" or coordinated "pullups" different muscle groups cooperate to maintain balance, which improves the stability of the body. Also, by eliminating weights the risk of injury is lower, same as the risk of muscular imbalance. Calisthenics can be performed anywhere and did not require expensive memberships or equipment. Perfect during Corona. For three quarters of a year now, some of us have been doing calisthenics actively and with focus, several times a week. In this time we could already celebrate some successes, but we also made many typical beginner mistakes and this is what a user of our planned app "workout-log" will benefit from.
We have summarize the biggest mistakes under the following points:

  1. No progressive progress/overload
  2. Too short breaks between trainings
  3. Too long breaks between exercises
  4. Too mild training!
  5. Wrong exercise order
  6. Eating too much and too unhealthy
  7. Eating too little

Workout log will address exactly these mistakes so that they are not repeated by beginners. Also, you will be able to compete with your friends and get a social factor as well as a competitive feeling, which will motivate you additionally. There are billions of apps in the Appstore and probably millions of Fitness apps. However, our app will be special because it will be tailored to suit our needs and will be free of advertising. We will also refuse a subscription trap like most of the popular fitness apps have.

We look forward to realize our ideas and welcome your feedback.

All the best,

Your workout-log team!