This is already our third blog post of the fourth semester, so now we are going to have a look at our use cases and apply so-called story points on them.

The following table lists our use cases of the last semester:

Use CaseEstimated workload (in h)Documentation (in h) Coding (in h) Testing (in h) Total (in h) Story Points
Create Account 8:00 0:30 12:00 0:45 13.25 8
Fill out stats 2:00 0:30 2:30 0:30 3:30 3
Meal Plan 7:00 1:30 8:30 0:30 10:30 5
Training 2:00 1:30 2:30 0 4:00 2
Challenges 5:00 1:30 3:30 0 5:00 1
Log 15:00 0:30 13:30 1:00 15:00 13

As you can see in the table, the last two use cases are crossed out. This is due to the fact that one of our team members left, so we needed to reduce the project scope.
In addition, it is clear that our estimates differed greatly from the real effort. This is due to the fact that some use cases are based on others and we can reuse the source code which increases the development speed.
Also before the start of the project we had different experiences with the used technologies. So it is always difficult to give a general estimate if other team members maybe need some more learning in the field.
And last but not least, there is this ominous dunning kruger effect, which we already discussed in our last blog post.

Next we are going to have a look on the tasks for this semester:

Use CaseEstimated workload (in h)Story Points
Photo Documentation 8:00 2
Edit Log 10:00 3
Profile 12:00 5
Create Workout 15:00 8

As you can see, we have learned from the first semester and have now made the estimates a little larger :)

All the best,

Your workout-log team!