“I don't eat for taste, I eat for function.”


This week, we created our use case diagram for the Workout-Log application. As you can see here we have two actors, a passive visitor and an active user. The red highlighted part is only accessible by the active user and contains all the features for training and documentation off your progress. The green part is the profile where all the stats off the Active user are presented and is visible for other passive users. The green section is also the part where different users can compare their progress and find inspiration and idols.

We also created this week our SRS where we discriped our process in more detail.
Here is a brief overview of the topics discussed in our SRS:

  1. Scope
  2. Overall Description
  3. Functionality
  4. Interfaces

So if your want to learn more about the workout-log here is the link for our SRS

All the best,

Your workout-log team!