¨If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.¨ – Fred Devito


In this weeks blog post, we want to look a bit behind the internal scenes. What's going well, what's not and more.

The first thing we want to address is the communication among us which worked quiet well so far. We meet every week and exchange ideas, discuss further functional details or general topics concerning the workout-log project. As communication channels we use Discord, WhatsApp and YouTrack.

The implementation of the previous weeks, respectively the implementation goals, worked also well so far. Everyone in our group has currently been assigned a fixed task that relates to the implementation phase of our project.

Last but not least, let's take a look at the topic of time.
In terms of the project, i.e. the implementation / programming, we are still well on schedule. Compared to other projects from our course, we have already started early with the implementation, so that we are currently not feeling any stress. Time is actually only short when it comes to handing in the homework "peer reviews & blog writing". Here we are often a bit late - something we really want to work on.

Here's a picture of the board from our retrospective:

All the best,

Your workout-log team!